Would it be so wrong?

With NBA free agency less than 2 hours away and the world waiting to see who goes where, I sat back and thought about one Lebron James. The NBA's biggest star has a big decision to make and he must be feeling a serious amount of pressure on his shoulders.
He could sign with the Chicago Bulls and team up with Rose, Noah and probably make it deep into the playoffs if not the finals next season. But playing for the windy city has its drawbacks as well, fans of the Cavs won't like Lebron playing for a long time rival and theres the problem of playing in MJ's shadow. If Lebron goes to the Bulls and wins two or three championships, how will he be viewed? Is three championships enough in Chicago? Who knows. Chicago fans have been spoiled and greatest in that town is only measured in championship. With that said I think Chicago is the best choice from a purely basketball standard. So Chicago has a strong chance of signing Lebron.
Then you got Miami, the Heat present Lebron with a chance to play with Dwayne "Flash" Wade. But honestly I don't see Lebron wanting to be on a team with another superstar, especially one that already has a ring and throwing Chris Bosh into the mix isn't likely to get Lebron to go to south Florida. So I say Miami is out.
New York, New York, the city so nice they name it twice. Who wouldn't want to be the King of NY, hang out with Bloomberg and Diddy, see there name in big bright lights? The call of the big apple is extremely seductive but the Knicks roster isn't seducing anyone. Madison Ave. is promising to make him the biggest athlete in the world, but isn't he already that? If not, he has to be top 5. The chances of him winning a championship with the Knicks current roster isn't the greatest as the knicks haven't been good for years. So basically its the city, not the team that presents the most opportunities. If becoming a bigger star and hobnobbing with east coast elite are important then the Knicks are the best choice. But I think LBJ wants more than that, I think he wants rings, thats rings, plural. NY is out.
A charismatic James-Bond-esque billionaire owner and a charismatic multi-millionaire are the two best selling points that the New Jersey Nets have to offer. Mikhail Prokhorov and Shawn "Jay-z" Carter are both shrewd business who have a vision for the New Jersey (maybe someday Brooklyn) Nets. The Nets have a roster that leaves much to be desired but they have a few good young players. Prokhorov can promise to make LBJ a global icon, but isn't that what he already is? Oh and owners don't make icons, rings do. Just ask Larry, Magic and Mike about that. New Jersey? Not a chance. A long shot.
Those teams, are in my oh so humble opinion the front runners in the Lebron James sweepstakes? Oh wait I forgot the Cleveland Cavs. His hometown team. The team the he has already taken to the finals, a city were everyone loves him and is bearing witness to his superb talents. So what can Cleveland offer? Strong fan base that will be loyal. Owners that are willing to bring in players to help bring a championship and maybe the most important thing of all. The chance to play his whole career with one team and only be identified with one team. That may seem minor but in the grand scheme of things it isn't. Championship or not, he is Cleveland and Cleveland is him. He goes anywhere else and he's nothing more than a high priced hired gun brought to bring a ring. If stays, he's a home grown hero, a legend, the "saviour" that the Cleveland has been hoping for. Even if he signs with the Cavs and retires ringless, he will still go down as the best thing to ever happen to Cleveland since Jim Brown and would that be so wrong?


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