"Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Episode 1 Review

I'll keep my review brief, episode 1 was exactly what I expected after seeing the teaser commercials.  It's a little to clean cut for my taste.  I understand that ABC wants the whole family to watch, but that doesn't mean the show needs to be so sterile.  The characters seem generic and the cast lacks of diversity. Episode 1 was used to get the team together, but this was done rather quickly and casually.  Nobody on the team sticks out, well there is an Asian woman who sticks out only because she is Asian.  The team is led by Agent Coulson, who you may remember from the movies, but his dialogue was littered with corny lines.  Everyone else on the team is stock.
Then there is the villain, oh wait.. there wasn't one, just some guy who is frustrated because he can't find work, so he gets some experimental surgery that turns him into a super human.  SHIELD takes him down, without doing any real harm to him or anyone else.  Marvel has an extremely extensive catalog of  villains to choose from, so I hope the show goes to the catalog and gives the fans what they want to see.  I was hoping for a "villain of the week" format where every week was a new baddie, while still having solid overarching story lines and character development.  Oh well, I'll give it one more one week.  Grade: D.


  1. Well some shows need a couple weeks to get cookin' . Give it at least two more episodes before you cast it into the "NO" pile.

    ME : )

  2. OK, I'll give it 2 more episodes!


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