WorldBeater's Fantasy Football Team

Hello World.  Its August which means football is just around the corner, which means FANTASY FOOTBALL is just around the corner.  I started a nice pay league called "The Arms Race", and my team name is the "7 Nation Army". It's not big money just $25 per team (10 teams), but money usually makes things much more interesting.  I have yet to begin my intensive fantasy research but, I think Joseph Addai will have a monster season, I'm talking a career year, over 1100 yards and 10 touchdowns.  I have a little over a month to prepare for the draft so I better get on it.  Don't worry I'll post the draft results the minute its over and I'll be posting my weekly results every Tuesday morning so be on the look out for that.  7 NATION ARMY!  ONWARD TO VICTORY!  


  1. My Droid draft was shaky, but I think I came out OK. On paper, ehh... but I think time will tell. See you in the playoffs... if you make it...


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