Say Hi to the Bad Guy

I have been indifferent towards Lebron James for most of his NBA career.  Other than the Olympics I can't recall ever actively rooting for him. But that all changed when he tweeted this yesterday "Don't think for one min that I haven't been taking mental notes of everyone taking shots at me this summer. And I mean everyone!" Dude has a list! Ha! I love it. I bet a bunch of those people on his list our in the media, so I wonder if he's going to stop being P.C. and just say what he really feels. How awesome would it be if the Heat just kept passing him the ball when they play the Cavs and he drops 50 on them! In the words of T.O., NBA fans get your popcorn ready.


  1. This has got to be my fav post so far!!!! Go Bron Bron

  2. People need to leave him alone. Dude made the decision to better his chances at getting a championship. Ain't nothing wrong with that.


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