How many rings you got?

Lets get right to it.  I wanted him to stay in Cleveland for his whole career, title or no titles, it would have been nice. But things didn't work out that way.  He wanted to get some rings and avoid becoming the next Charles Barkley.  I'm sure Chuck feels nice and warm inside every time Kenny Smith reminds him that he is ringless.  But as Micheal Wilbon pointed out a few years back, to be considered one of the greatest players in history you have to win rings.  Not one, but more than one.  Ask anyone who they think the greatest player of all time is, I bet you get a lot of MJ (6 rings), Magic (5 rings), Bird (3 rings), Kareem (6 rings), Russell (11 rings) and those are just the retired players.  Look at the guys who are still playing, Duncan is considered by many to be the best power forward ever, he has four rings and counting.  Kobe, another all time great has 5 and counting.  So you see folks this is what Lebron is up against.  We appointed him the next MJ, Magic or whoever, so should we be shocked if he tries to live up to that?


  1. Rings? What about personal satisfaction for pursuing your career with integrity and being the best athlete you can? Success is not spelled R-I-N-G


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