WorldBeaters Movie Review: Inception

This is a sports blog, but occasionally we'll give a movie review.  Today we'll review "Inception".

I saw "Inception" Friday night and thought it was awesome.  Leonardo Dicaprio was good in it, but as with most of the films he's in I feel like his character isn't the most interesting.  For example in "Gangs of New York", Bill the Butcher blows Leo off the screen.  Same thing happens to Leo in the "Departed" with the Mark Walberg and Alec Baldwin characters.  But I can't say he did a bad job in "Inception", I give him a B+.  The movie had a very "Matrix" feel to it and I mean that as a compliment.  The movie is ripe for a sequel (or two), a comic book, a tv show, etc, etc.  It is easily the best movie I've seen this year and should get some Oscar nominations.  WorldBeaters gives Inception an "A".  Strong lead actor, super strong supporting cast, super slick visuals and best of all an inventive and creative script.  Definitely worth the price of admission.                    


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