New Favorite Commercial

This commercial is a call to arms. It makes me wanna build something, knock something down and build it back up, bigger and better. It makes me wanna buy a tool belt, some overalls and look for stuff to do around the house. It make me want to...well, buy American. It's called the "Jeep Grand Cherokee Manifesto Commercial." Enjoy.


  1. Where did you first see this commercial? At a minute in length, it seems a little long for T.V.

  2. I saw it when I was watching World Cup, I think. But I saw it again on Monday on Food Network in the middle of the afternoon. Do you like it?

  3. Commercial sucks!! All that for a car???? Come on bruh.

  4. So this commercial does nothing for you? You're un-American!

  5. Never claimed to be American.


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