Tiger and Kobe: America's favorite athletes

According to a Harris International Poll release last night, Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods are tied in first place for America's Favorite athlete.  This comes as no surprise as Kobe is a back to back NBA champion and finals MVP and Tiger Wood's body of work is outstanding and will presumably continue to astound fans.  It also shows that all we care about in this country is winning.  Which to me is a good thing, the personal life's of athletes is really none of our business unless they choose to share it with us.  So while the media outlets slam athletes for whatever faults they may have, at the end of the day the American people realize that they athletes are paid to win, and if you win we love you.   The rest of the list is as follows: Derek Jeter (3), Brett Farve (4) Peyton Manning (5), Lebron James (6), Micheal Jordan (7), Tom Brady (8), Drew Brees (9), Dale Ernhardt Jr. (10).

Interesting Notes: MJ is still on the list.  4 of the top ten are NFL players.  
Even more Interesting Notes:  This poll was taken a month before Lebron signed with the Heat.  I bet anything this time next year he's still on the list, despite the negative backlash he is currently receiving.
And the most interesting note of them all:  I predicted that Kobe would be #1 on this list a few days ago.  


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