Our Favorite People: Dan Gilbert aka The Joker

Since I started this blog I've been toying with the idea of keeping a list of all the kooks in sports, you know all the people that make sports funny and more than just about jumping and running.  After a little thought I decided that I was going to do it.  So here you are, the first inductee to the "Our Favorite People" list:  Dan Gilbert or as I like to call him "The Joker".  By now you have either heard or read his letter to the city of Cleveland following LBJ deciding to head to Miami. If you haven't here it is....The Joker Letter.   In addition to the letter he reduced to the price of LBJ's Cleveland Cavaliers poster to $17.41, to coincide with the birth of Benedict Arnold.  ME LOVES IT!  This guys is off his.
Congratulations Mr. Gilbert you made the list.  

Interesting Note: This list starts as of July 1st 2010.  Which is why T.O. isn't on it....yet. 


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